Saturday, June 2, 2012

Global Warming?

So, I've been thinking. Is the world's temperature really increasing? I'm not a scientist, environmentalist, meteorologist, etc., so, I'm really just going off of the opinions of the experts. Also, I can't really say I'm going completely off their opinion because its not like I'm devoting hours and hours of study to their findings either. So, how am I to form a semi-educated opinion?

Well, I can't go purely off of my friends. Sorry guys, but you're ranging opinions of "we must save the trees!" vs. "there is no such thing as global warming, stop being a pansy" aren't exactly creditable. Plus, with few exceptions, I doubt any of my friends are too far off from my own education; some more, some less. So, onto the next list of possibilities: the media.

For one, the media is largely liberal (save Fox News), and therefore largely "Earth Friendly". I tend to agree with the latter part, but I'd really like my opinion to be unbiased. So, I'd like to avoid the liberal slant. On the other side, we have corporations. If there is damage to the Earth through global warming, they're the ones making profit from it. Can't go that route either. I'd ask Al Gore, but... What to do...

Well, I'll tell you what occurs to me:  I'm in Rancho Cucamonga off of Haven and Baseline. To the North of me, about 5 miles away, are a series of mountains that are at least a couple thousand feet above us in elevation and are regularly easy to see from about 100 miles away.  But today, because its a "smoggy day", I can barely see them 5 miles away.  ?  So... is it okay that we have become so used to the idea of pollution in the air that we just shrug our shoulders and say "that's just how it is."  Well, its only been that way for about 50 years, and the planet has been for what scientists say is 4 billion... I think its safe to say there's a problem.

Look, I don't know for sure if there is officially "Global Warning."  What I do know is that we are definitely contaminating the Earth in a very irresponsible fashion.  Its fairly ridiculous.  Anyone who thinks its not ridiculous is someone who's opinion I just really don't think I want to hear.  We've got animals going extinct fairly regularly; smog filling the air so bad that in places like Phoenix there are actual "smog warnings" where they suggest you don't let your kids go outside to play. Really?  Now they are saying that we are heating the Earth.  (I did take an Astronomy class in college that stated very clearly that two things trap heat in an atmosphere: carbon dioxide, and water vapor.  If we're sending billions of tons of carbon dioxide into the air through various refineries...)

So, instead of saying there either is or isn't global warning, maybe we should just agree that there is a lot of irresponsible behavior going on in the name of money, and that maybe we should find a better way to do things?  Maybe in this case we should just focus on the solution of the symptoms instead of arguing over the definition of the problem?  I just don't want to lose my polar bears before I have the time to find one and domesticate it.  How else am I supposed to get my own show on the Discovery Channel?